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Hallo Advisor,

My name is Johan Hurter and I am the house father at a shelter for abused woman and children as well as destitute homeless people of all races and denominations..
Our organisation is called the SAVF South African Womans Federation. The SAVF is a NPO dependent on private donors, governmental grants and the national lottery to maintain its vast network of shelters and old age homes.
Our economy is suffering tremendously (various reasons - drought etc) and thus private donors tend to close their wallets.

I attended a top management meeting on sustainable financial development for the SAVF. I was tasked to seek and establish international resources (similar welfare npo's) to seek unilateral relations and financial support.

Please be so kind as to lead me in the correct direction to establish above mentioned relations and perhaps financial institutions that might want to become permanent donors.

Thank you kindly,


Cellno: 0024 716881712

Dear Johan, many thanks for your inquiry about possibles sources of funding for your organization. We do not have nor provide any direct information on sources of funding, but if you are interested in determining what path you want to follow to apply for international funds please check the following page:
Best wishes on your search!

Question Date: خميس, 09/22/2016