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I receive gift certificates as a volunteer em from a non profit company. Can I get in trouble for this?

Dear Sherry, thanks for submitting this question. Many organizations choose to reward their volunteers for the time, work, effort, and resources that they provide. In your question, you did not provide a lot information about the gift certificates (e.g., value, frequency, type) and, thus, I will assume that they have a low fair market value. Provided there are no ethical dilemmas associated with the implementation of the incentive program by the organization that gave you the gift certificates, you should not get in trouble at all. This is a very popular practice that helps organizations to accomplish their goals in many ways. If you are interested in learning more about it, we have a specific section on it (Chapter 42. Section 2. Providing Incentives for Staff and Volunteers).  
Best wishes! 

Question Date: خميس, 09/22/2016