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Hello, I am currently learning about how to create a plan to address the health disparities and wellness of the Native American population (specifically the Sioux Tribe of the Lakota people). I have found out that lack of access to care, underfunding, limited electronic history records are some of the main problems. This has lead to culturally insensitive care, and has resulted in the many problems the NA population is having (substance abuse, poverty, dental problems). What is the best way to begin a community intervention program to address this situation?

         Thanks for writing to us with your question, and please excuse our delay in getting back to you. You of course describe a situation that is broad, long-standing, vitally important, and one with many dimensions. Because of these factors, and as you probably know, addressing the problem is likely to call for ongoing effort on the part of many people.  We wish there were a simpler solution, but do not think there is. 
            Our best brief advice is to start small and to gather a core group of those people who are most affected by the problems, such as some Sioux members in a particular community.   Discuss the current situation with them, and learn from them what problems they think are most important to address at this time.  It is almost always essential for those most affected both to define the problem and propose ideas for its solutions. When that is done, your core group can then devise a plan and action steps for addressing the problem they have identified.
            Your own primary role may be to assist the group in its needs assessment and planning, and to help the group design an intervention that is most likely to succeed. That is, your task may be more one of support and facilitation rather than one of formal leadership and direction.
            For further information, you may wish to consult Chapter 19, which contains different sections with many more details on how to conduct interventions.  
          Thank you again for writing, and all best wishes for success in your important work.  

Question Date: Fri, 12/02/2016