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I am currently at an initialization stage of my NGO, about to be registered. I need candid advice on how to go about the proposal writing.

About the Organization.

The prospective name is TorchAfrica Organization, and what we look to doing is detailed documentaries in rural communities that need urgent attention by the government, other NGOs, civil groups and international communities. It aims to serve as a platform for having the poor voices to be heard.

Where i encounter difficulties is in crafting out the whole idea on paper. How and Why?

Unlike a business, i have noticed that most proposal found online are for grants (although very useful). But non talks about the legal framework and other contents needed for in-house i.e the members of the NGO. i will appreciate if you can put me through.


Dear Busayo,
Since legal requirements and other specifics of setting up an NGO are often governed by the laws of a specific country, we are unable to provide any specific advice for you there.  We can give you some ideas about where you might find some information. 
Chapters 8 through 12 of the Community Tool Box have information about developing a strategic plan for an NGO and structuring the organization. You might find them helpful.
Another suggestion is that you might contact local NGO's to ask if their leadership will provide you with some guidance and advice. They will understand the local requirements, and be there in person to perhaps provide additional assistance and advice.
I am sorry I cannot be more specific and I hope this is helpful.
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: Sat, 02/25/2017