Chapter 3. Assessing Community Needs and Resources | Section 17. Leading a Community Dialogue on Building a Healthy Community | Checklist | Community Tool Box

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Section 17. Leading a Community Dialogue on Building a Healthy Community

Preparing for a Community Dialogue:

___You focus your issue (e.g., safe water, living wages, diversity)

___You build a dialogue team to host the event

___You determine your goals for the dialogue (e.g., to reach common ground, launch new initiatives, generate media coverage, etc.) and design the session to support them

___You decide who will participate

___You select and prepare your facilitator

___You set a place, date and time for your dialogue

___You designate someone to record the dialogue

___You create an inviting environment

___You invite participants

Conducting the Dialogue:

___You greet participants and introduce the facilitator

___You establish ground rules for the dialogue as well as a relaxed atmosphere

___You use the seven questions to foster dialogue

___You monitor the group process

___You allow time for closing dialogue and any follow-up steps

___You engage the media and document the event if consistent with your goals

Making Your Dialogue Count:

___You record your findings and get results to participants and relevant organizations within ten days

___You follow up with the group on its interests

___You keep the conversation going