Chapter 27. Cultural Competence in a Multicultural World | Section 7. Building Culturally Competent Organizations | Checklist | Community Tool Box

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___You have discussed what culture is and the differences between cultural knowledge, cultural awareness, cultural sensitivity, and cultural competence.

___Your community or organization has explored the various types of diversity and the importance and benefits of being culturally competent.

___Your organization has identified needs and outcomes to become culturally competent and is ready to change.

___Your organization has taken steps to build a multicultural organization:

___You have formed a Cultural Competence Committee.

___You have a mission statement.

___You have formed partnerships with similar organizations and use free resources.

___You have done a cultural competence assessment of your organization.

___Your staff has discussed cultural competence needs in the organization.

___You have adjusted budget and job requirements to include cultural competence.

___You have facilities and resources that respect cultures and educate staff on culture differences.

___You have built a network of natural helpers to sustains cultural competence.

___You use diversity outreach, training, and communication to manage a multicultural organization.