Chapter 38. Some Methods for Evaluating Comprehensive Community Initiatives | Section 2. Gathering Information: Monitoring Your Progress | Examples | Community Tool Box

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Section 2. Gathering Information: Monitoring Your Progress

Example: Event Log for an Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Initiative

Site: Franklin County

Recorder: Maggie B.

Date Event Description
(MM/DD/YYYY) Give the broad information about the event. Include why it is important and what happened as a result.
  • Who was involved?
  • What organizations were the collaborators?
  • What community sector or objective does this relate to?
  • Was this the first time this event happened?
2/14/2013 Met with principal of Ottawa High School to get permission to organize a Teen Action Committee in the school. The Teen Action Committee was approved. This was important because it will create leadership opportunities for youth.
  • Shannon P. and Gary M.
  • Ottawa High School
  • Schools
  • Yes
2/21/2013 Central Heights School District board meeting was held to discuss administering a sexuality questionnaire. Survey was authorized for use at Central Heights. This is important because it is a new practice to gather information about knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors related to sexuality.
  • Midge R. and School Board members
  •  USD 288
  • Schools
  • Yes