Chapter 1. Our Model for Community Change and Improvement | Section 7. Working Together for Healthier Communities: A Framework for Collaboration Among Community Partnerships, Support Organizations, and Funders | Checklist | Community Tool Box

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Section 7. Working Together for Healthier Communities: A Framework for Collaboration Among Community Partnerships, Support Organizations, and Funders

___You know that building healthier communities means the process of people working together to address issues that matter to them.

___You understand the differences between the three types of community change.

___You can list the 7 key components of community change.

  1. Clear vision and mission
  2. Action planning
  3. Leadership
  4. Resources for community organizers
  5. Documentation and feedback
  6. Technical assistance
  7. Making outcomes matter

___You can distinguish between state and community partnerships, support and intermediary organizations, and funders using your knowledge of their characteristics and functions.

___You have developed a timeline based on the steps in collaboration.

Stephen B.Fawcett
Vincent T.Francisco
Adrienne Paine-Andrews
Jerry Schultz