Chapter 12. Providing Training and Technical Assistance | Section 7. Organizing a Retreat | Checklist | Community Tool Box

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__You understand what a retreat is, as well as its purpose.

__You know why to organize a retreat:

  • Eliminate outside distractions
  • Build enthusiasm and commitment among your staff
  • Cultivate a casual, unpressured mood
  • Create a sense of shared experience and bonding
  • Set aside uninterrupted time for problem solving
  • Allow time to step back and re-examine goals and objectives

__You know when (and when not) to organize a retreat.

__You've considered where to hold your retreat.

  • Four months ahead of time

__Set goals for your retreat.

__Start looking into facilities.

__Decide who will attend.

__Start looking into possible presenters/consultants.

  • Three months ahead of time:

__Decide how long the retreat will be.

__Pick a date (or dates) for your retreat.

__Assign planning duties.

__Come up with a rough schedule.

__Reserve a site.

  • Two months ahead of time:

__Finalize the retreat schedule.

__Find out about your consultant's needs, if applicable.

__Send out invitations and notices, if applicable.

__Make any final decisions about accessibility.

__Make transportation arrangements, if applicable.

  • One to two weeks ahead of time:

__Check with retreat site to finalize arrangements

__Round up equipment/supplies

__Make final meal arrangements, if applicable.

__Do any needed photocopying.

  • One day before:

__Go over agenda a final time.

__Check with committee heads, if applicable.


  • After the retreat:

__Evaluate the retreat.

  • Were objectives met?
  • How were the facilities?
  • Which parts of the retreat were the most useful in advancing your organization's cause?
  • Which parts were the least useful?
  • Was your time balanced well?

__Clean up afterwards.

__Reserve facilities for next retreat, if applicable.