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How can I bridge the career gap?
61 yo female
PhD Cell & Molecular Pathology, Vanderbilt University
Focus: Reproductive Biology (Infertility)
Postdoctoral/Faculty Focus: Autonomic Dysfunction/Sex Differences
Basic research alongside physicians for ~20y
Pharmaceutical Industry - Medical Science Liaison for ~8y (Osteoporosis/Breast Ca Prevention, Diabetes)
Now - unemployed!
My passion still burns, however. My goal is to do research and/or represent for a Reproductive Rights group (Ctr Reproductive Rights, Planned Parenthood, etc.). These jobs are hard to find!!! Any advice or suggestions you may have are most welcomed.

Kind regards,
-Nancy R Keller PhD

Hello Nancy,
Career transitions can be challenging, especially if it is moving into a somewhat different field. This question is really somewhat outside of the purpose of the Community Tool Box, but I will offer a couple of tips:
1. Set up informational interviews and networking visits with individuals who work at the types of organizations that are of interest to you. Have some questions prepared - such as what are skills they are looking for, how to find opportunities, and what might make you a stronger candidate.
2. Before you talk with anyone, read the job descriptions you can find and see how your skills/expertise match them, and what value you can bring to their organizations.
It's mostly about networking, doing a lot of homework, and then convincing them that you have something to offer.
Good luck to you!

Question Date: mer, 12/28/2016