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Question: how can a nonprofit use this toolkit?

Hi Beverly,
There are a number of ways a nonprofit can use The Community Toolbox (CTB).  Here are just a few:
1. For staff development - CTB offers online courses that staff can take; the chapters and toolkits can be used for group or self-study if there are specific topics of interest; and the CTB group provides custom training.
2. To  solve a specific issue - if the nonprofit is tackling a specific issue, the staff can browse the CTB chapters and toolkits to see if some of them are particularly relevant, or they can go to the CTB Troubleshooting Guide.
3. To learn about Best Change Processes
4. To find a source of best practices.
5. Subscribe to the eNewsletter 
6. CTB provides collaboration workstations if you are working with a group of nonprofits in your community
7. The Community Checkbox Evaluation system will support your evaluation
These are just a few. Click around and explore and you might find more uses!
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: mar, 01/17/2017