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Buenas tardes, me llamo Aida y soy de Rio gallegos, Santa Cruz, Argentina. Mi consulta sería sobre los adolescentes. Existe algún tipo de experiencia sobre Tribus urbanas que han tomado un sector de la ciudad como propiedad y que se hayan podido mitigar de alguna manera? Quisiera saber las medidas tomadas; y si es buena idea que desde este mismo lugar (donde se asentaron) se puede trabajar con profesionales que quieran ayudar de alguna manera ofreciéndoles diferentes actividades que puedan motivarlos a cambiar de conducta y costumbres? como por ejemplo deportes, oficios, actividades recreativas, etc..Desde ya muchas gracias y Saludos.

Dear Aida,
I am sorry I must respond in English. I do not speak Spanish. I was able to get your question translated.
I am not aware of any place that has solved the problem you described.  Such problems often have local origins and are best solved by looking at what contributes to or causes the problem.
I suggest you begin by examining what is leading to this problem. The Community Tool Box Chapters 17-19 provide guidance for analyzing the problem and then designing a solution that addresses the causes you uncover within your community. Then Chapter 5 presents guidance for choosing strategies. If you need to get local government to pay attention. Chapter 4 provides guidance for getting the issues on the public agenda.  
I am sorry I could not provide a more definitely solution for you, and sorry that this is written in English. I hope the information is helpful to you.
The Community Tool Box Advisor

Question Date: mar, 02/14/2017